God of War Wiki

We have exciting news! Your wiki has been chosen to receive Achievement Awards. They are brand new, super fun, and not everyone is getting them, so congratulations!

The Awards will help encourage people to make more edits and contribute to the wiki. They also help brand new people get a feel for what they can do on the wiki. Awards are only available for logged-in users, so they’ll help encourage people to log in when they’re making edits.

So what does this mean for you? More people editing on the wiki, more friends, more help, more content, and more fun!

Admins will be able to customize the names and photos used in the awards so that they fit your community to a T. And the awards appear automatically, so there's no extra work that needs to be done.

Everyone will start the game together once the Awards go live so that no one has an advantage or disadvantage when it comes to collecting badges. Badges will show up on your user page for everyone to see, and the leaderboard will let you see where you stack up against everyone else on the wiki.

Congratulations again, and have fun!
